Light Pink Pointer

"traditional" art

(mainly from 2016-2020, when i was in college)


an attempt to make a monochromatic version of the lovers by rene magritte, acrylic on poster board

"slug girl", acrylic and oil self-portrait on hand-stretched canvas

"autumn, portrait of my father", oil on hand-strethced canvas

"martyrdom is a lost cause", collage, oil, and liquid gold leaf on hand-stretched canvas


untitled, linoleum-cut print on sketchbook paper

"mothman", 2-layer reductive linoleum-cut print on sketchbook paper

"seneca rocks", 3-layer reductive linoleum-cut prints on sketchbook paper

untitled, etching and collagraph prints on sketchbook paper

"cowardice", 4-layer reductive linoleum-cut print on printmaking paper

"pandemic", 7-layer reductive print on printmaking paper

      mixed media:

"eat the rich", digital scan print; collage and ink on transparency film

"uncertain future" (series), collagraph print, collage, and iridescent watercolor, and linocut stamp on printmaking paper

untitled, ink, acrylic, nail polish, and collage on paper

pages from my journals

(mostly mixed media/collages, any polaroids
you see were taken by me)

this isn't from a journal but i made it while i was struggling with grief from my cat, calcifer, passing away in 2020

kinda funny that the picture i took was blurry..

the kid in the top left photo is me and the one in the bottom left is my sister

cross stitches

(or maybe ill put sketchbook pages here and x-stitch in a separate page because i consider it more of a craft... idk man)

this page is still a big wip so make sure
to check back for updates!!

sleepy   sage's   art   gallery